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21 C9. Guidance Guidance competence means using digital technologies and services to improve interaction with learners on an individual and collective level during learning and after it. It means using digital technologies to provide timely and targeted guidance and assistance to students and experiment and develop new forms and formats to offer learners guidance and support. Examples of the use of competence The importance of this competence is reflected in the fact that teacher can interact with the learners in the digital environment and digitally monitor the students' behaviour in the lessons and offer advice, guidance and support through digital technologies whether it is academic guidance or career guidance. How can you develop this competence? • Using digital communication tools (email, chat social networks) to quickly respond to the learner's questions related to the learning process, such as homework, tests. • By using different learning platforms, learning or course management systems (CMS), (LMS). • By sharing and using different Career Counselling Resources on the Internet (e.g., career guidance or job seeking tips). Innovative ways to make use of the competence in action Using Formative assessment allows educators to better gauge their students' comprehension of class concepts. When combined with digital solutions, struggling students can be identified and receive help before their grades start to drop. Implement a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and get students to use their mobile devices to contribute to in-class polls and quizzes. This can give educator instant feedback on whether students have understood concepts explained in class (where there is only one correct answer) or to generate debate on more nuanced philosophical topics (e.g . Tophat, Turning Technologies) . Related tools: • Gmail, Yandex, MS Outlook – for emailing students and communicating with them • Edmodo - Edmodo is a web-based platform similar to Facebook where teachers can post assignments and students can upload documents to share. Unlike Facebook, Edmodo is a closed the environment where the teacher approves and enrols students. • Moodle - Moodle is a learning platform or course management system (CMS)—a free open- source software package designed to help educators create effective online learning communities. It is often used for college courses or blended learning.