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27 3.3. Assessment C12. Assessment strategies First, we need to differentiate between summative and formative assessment. • Summative assessment is used to evaluate students at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. • Formative assessment is to monitor student's learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors or teachers to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. Some activities that can be developed for assessment strategies are: • The usage of digital assessment tools in order to monitor the learning process as well as to get information on learner's progress. • Use digital technologies for the assessment of strategies . • Use digital technologies for summative assessment in tests . • Use digital technologies to support learners with their assignments and assessment. • To have a variety of digital and non-digital assessment formats and be aware of their pros and cons. • Reflect how appropriate are the different digital assessment approaches and adapt the strategies accordingly. • Another two different ways to assess is through peer-assessment and self-assessment. • Peer-assessment : the students assess each other's contribution individually following a checklist of criteria. The grading is a predetermined process, but usually is an average of the marks awarded by the group members. • Self -assessment : being similar to the peer-assessment, in this case, they assess their own contribution as well as their peers, using, as before, an established checklist of criteria. Apply the competence "To use digital technologies for formative and summative assessment. To enhance the diversity and suitability of assessment formats and approaches." _ DigCompEdu 2017 When it comes to non-formal education assessment, we can find different methodologies: • Interview • Focus group discussion • Survey • Observation • Test
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