DigitALAD Hanbook_All sections_FV

29 C13. Analysing evidence Analysing evidence refers to the ability to generate, select, critically analyse and interpret digital evidence on learner activity, performance and progress, in order to inform teaching and learning. • Design and implement activities from which you can acquire data on the activity of learners and their performance. • Use the digital technologies to record, compare and synthesise the data about the progress of learners. • We can generate data from the learner activity in the digital environment that can be used to inform teaching and learning. • We can interpret and analyse the available evidence on learner activity and progress, including the data generated by the digital technologies used. • It can be considered to combine and evaluate different sources of evidence on learner progress and performance. • To critically value the evidence available to inform teaching and learning. From the online tools mentioned before, open badges and ePortfolios are essential in analysing the evidence. Case study on Open Badges – A web radio recognising achievements (France) : For this project, mainly young people participated in the creation of a broadcasting web radio program, taking different responsibilities for it and learning badges out of it. There were 5 badges in total, 3 principles of action, and 97 young people who shared positive comments about it. The idea of the project was beyond media, it consisted in putting the online a media managed by young people. One of the main conclusions was that Open Badges made visible the achievements and attitudes that are often overlooked in formal education and empowered them to do more. Tips for choosing the assessment type • What is the profile of your participants? • When do you want to do the assessment? During the process or only after? • What is the main goal of the assessment? • What kind of methodology are you applying in your classes? • How much involvement do you think the students should have in the assessment?