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30 C14. Feedback & planning Feedback occurs when a student gives or receives input to improve the next steps. The idea is to change the following actions to be improved, so the student (but also the teacher) can learn out of it. • To give feedback a digital technology can be used to be uploaded and graded online. • To ensure the effectiveness of feedback, assessment management systems can be used for this . • Digital technologies can also be used to monitor the progress of the learner . • The teaching and assessment practices should be adapted . • Provide personal feedback and offer differentiated support to the learners. • Give the learners the possibility to interpret the results from a formative, summative, self- and peer-assessment perspective. • Help learners in identifying areas for improvement . • Use digital technologies to keep the learners and/or parents updated on the student's progress and make informed choices on future learning priorities. Peer feedback: as mentioned before under peer-assessment, we can also have the peer- feedback, which refers to the same concept of students giving feedback to each other, and we can also highlight here that it makes the learner giving the input to go through the learning concepts again . Apply the competence "To use digital technologies to provide targeted and timely feedback to learners. To adapt teaching strategies and provide targeted support, based on the evidence generated by the digital technologies used. To enable learners and parents to understand the evidence provided by digital technologies and use it for decision-making."_ DigCompEdu 2017 Meaningful feedback tips • Look at the students' improvement towards the goal • Be specific • The sooner, the better • Be careful • The amount of feedback More information and explanations on feedback psychology.
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