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32 unrealistic, so a micro-learning approach would work here to make the learning more accessible to this type of adult learner. If you have a visual or aural learner, then providing a resource as a short podcast or a short video would be more appealing to this type of learner. To find out more about micro-learning and why it works so effectively, read the following blog post: • [BLOG] Numbers Don't Lie: Why Microlearning is Better for Your Learners (and You too): for-your-learners-and-you-too The VAK (Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic) learning questionnaire is a learning style model that identities a learner's preferred learning style. By discovering individuals preferred learning style, you can analyse what learning method is most accessible for them. Some learners use more than one learning style, while others typically understand more through one preferred learning style. By encouraging individuals to analyse their learning type, you can provide them with access to appropriate resources that benefit their comprehension and engagement within the learning process. To access this online questionnaire, visit the following link: • [SURVEY]VAK Learning Styles Self-Assessment Questionnaire: Tools By supporting adult learners to identify their preferred learning style, adult educators can adapt their teaching style to ensure that it is both inclusive and accessible. This can aid learners with learning disorders or disabilities to ensure that they can easily access and respond to their own learning expectations, abilities, uses and misconceptions. • To engage visual learners, the following tools are useful: o 'Screencast-o-Matic' is an online video creation tool. The following link will provide you with '5 Easy Steps To Turn Google Slides Into An Engaging Video': o 'Canva' is an online design tool that provides thousands of free designs for flyers, posters, infographics and other visual ways that you can present learning materials. The following link will support you to get started using Canva for education purposes: • To engage auditory learners, the following tools are useful: o Audacity' is a free, open-source, cross-platform audio software that you can use to record and edit your audio files. For a full tutorial on how to use Audacity, you will find the following link useful : o For some guidance on how to get started with using Podcasts in your teaching practice, you will find this blog post interesting: promoting