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39 When working with adult learners, their education experience must be meaningful and applicable to a real-world context. By this we mean that adult learners are motivated to learn about topics and aspects that they can relate to their everyday lives, that will enhance their career opportunities or that can be directly applied to some aspect of their life. By giving power over to adult learners, through a flipped-classroom approach, it is possible that you can support adult learners to make meaning for themselves and gain insight into how the learning content can be applied to their everyday lives, giving them a genuine and authentic learning experience that is valuable to them as an individual. Tapping into this aspect of what has motivated them to learn is the key to ensuring that adult learners in your group are 'actively engaged' in the learning process. The following tools and platforms will be useful for you to support you in developing a flipped-classroom approach in your teaching practice. To develop videos and online lectures for a flipped-classroom approach: • Panopto (video platform) : To develop visual resources to actively engage learners: • Venngage (to create infographics) : • Prezi (to create presentations) : Innovative ways to make use of competence in action: When piloting a flipped-classroom approach in your teaching practice, you must know how to present the educational content that learners will engage with before entering the classroom. One method of delivering this learning content is to record and produce a short video lecture. While there is a range of video platforms available online, but Panopto is a little different and recording your screen and developing your video, Panopto also allows you to upload your video to a secure platform and share your video privately with your learners. To learn more about how you can get started with using Panopto, the following video and link will be useful: • [VIDEO] Panopto Video Platform - 3 Minute Introduction: • [GUIDE] Recording and Uploading Panopto Videos: videos?module_item_id=106835 Video is not the only option you have for delivering educational content to adult learners through a flipped-classroom model. This approach aims to provide learners with the theoretical content they need to cover for a particular module or unit before they enter the classroom so that the key topics can be unpacked and worked through in a series of group work and individual activities. As such, presenting learning materials through engaging infographics and presentations can also be utilised in this way. While we have referenced Canva for infographics and Google Slides for presentations earlier in this chapter, when it comes to a flipped classroom,
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