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42 taxonomy, i.e., to understand, apply, analyse, evaluate, and then create. There are several novel ways to stimulate learners' critical thinking towards information and media literacy: • Explore with learners the reasons why information exists (e.g., to inform, to educate, to promote values, to distract, to obscure, to confuse, to change others' opinions) • Examine the Five Core concepts of media literacy: 1. All media messages are constructed by someone… 2. Media messages use certain language and rules to provoke feelings… 3. Media messages have target audiences… 4. Media messages involve opinions, values, and beliefs… 5. Many media messages are products of media companies that make profit… • Apply the 5 Filter Questions step: 1. Who creates the message? 2. What is used to capture the attention? 3. How can different people interpret it? 4. Why this message was selected to be communicated? 5. Which values, beliefs, lifestyles, are being promoted? Related digital tools • Checkology offers numerous lessons for both educators and learners focused on media literacy. It comes along with skills assessments, discussion pools, and great graphics. • Facebook Digital Literacy Library contains lesson plans for educators in various novel relevant subjects such as security, privacy and reputation, information literacy and more. Even they are designed for educators of younger ages, they are beneficial for educators of any age. • Media and Information curriculum for Teachers i s an extensive guide created by UNESCO to orientate educators on which knowledge to cover for information and media literacy.