DigitALAD Hanbook_All sections_FV

5 Figure 1. DigCompEdu areas and scope The six competence areas focused are explained below and graphically presented in figure 2: 1. Professional Engagement - Using digital technologies for communication, collaboration, and professional development. 2. Digital Resources - Sourcing, creating, and sharing digital resources. 3. Teaching and Learning - Managing and orchestrating the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning. 4. Assessment - Using digital technologies and strategies to enhance assessment. 5. Empowering Learners - Using digital technologies to enhance inclusion, personalization, and learners’ active engagement. 6. Facilitating Learners’ Digital Competence - Enabling learners to use digital technologies creatively and responsibly for information, communication, content creation, wellbeing and problem-solving. Teachers are responsible for the education of citizens and they must be equipped with advanced digital skills. For that purpose, they must be trained in these competencies and apply them in their teaching practice. In the following pages, educators can easily address these competences, reflect on them and find innovating ways to adapt with them.