In the future, 9 out of 10 jobs will require digital skills, as digital technologies are already used for work and employability in many sectors from education, training and healthcare to transport, farming and the information and communications technology industry. According to the Digital Skills and Jobs Policy, 16 Member States including Ireland, already recognised the importance of the development of digital skills of their citizens and are in the process or already adopted relevant strategies aimed at enhancing digital literacy and skills, while other countries such as Latvia, Greece, Cyprus, Belgium, and Spain did not yet. The above hurdles are calling for collective transnational efforts to educate adults and prepare them for the digital world we live in.
To address the gap and needs of the field, the DigitALAD project’s objectives are to:
- Build the capacity of adult educators to become digitally literate in their teaching practices
- Build the competencies of adults to use digital tools for employability
- Develop innovative quality resources for adult educators/ trainers and adults
- Promote awareness on the importance of digital skills for adults in Europe
DigitALAD Training Programme for adult educators
A training programme (IO1) will be designed and developed that will target adult educators and that will be a valuable resource for their daily practice.
E-learning space and gamified online learning modules
A gamified environment for adult educators (IO2) will be developed which will include pedagogical material and innovative resources and OERs for them to use for employability.
Impact assessment study and practice recommendations
An impact assessment study will be designed to measure the impact of the project
Policy Recommendations Report
The Policy Recommendation report will include recommendations derived from the implementations with adult educators and with adult learners.

European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA)
The European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) is the voice of non-formal adult education in Europe. EAEA is a European NGO, with 133 member organisations in 43 countries and represents more than 60 million learners Europe-wide, whose purpose is to link and represent European organisations directly involved in adult learning. EAEA was founded in 1953 by representatives from a number of European countries. EAEA promotes adult learning and access to and participation in non-formal adult education for all, particularly for groups currently under-represented.
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Aleksandra completed a BA and an MA in Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw, where she also obtained her teaching qualifications. She spent a few years working as a freelance language teacher, teaching English and French as a foreign language in formal and non-formal education. In 2015, she moved to Brussels to work at the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). Her main tasks included supporting the EAEA team in project work, communication with membership and research.

Tina Mavrič
Tina Mavrič works as a Project Assistant at the European Association for the Education of Adults. She has a BA on cultural anthropology and expertise on organization and European projects. Before joining EAEA, she was a part of various youth projects, mainly involved in supporting European Ecovillage agenda and non-formal education. At EAEA she supports the management of several projects, besides general support to the rest of the colleagues, and within DigitALAD coordinates the dissemination actions of the project.

Schweizerischer Verband für Weiterbildung SVEB
SVEB is the Swiss national umbrella organisation for adult education and operates as a professional association and advocacy organisation. SVEB manages the national training-of-trainers system and is responsible for eduQua, the national quality label for adult learning providers.
In addition, SVEB leads and contributes to innovative projects for the development and research in adult education in Switzerland and Europe. Target groups of these projects are adult education providers and trainers as well as (non-)participants in adult education, such as marginalised adults, older people or migrants. The 750 SVEB members represent private and state institutions for adult education, associations, in-house training departments and individuals.
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Caroline Meier Quevedo
Caroline Meier Quevedo is the director of the French speaking part of SVEB since more than 6 years. She is also expert for the validation of prior experience for adult education Trainers. She is responsible for implementing the national activities locally and regionally. The specific fields of Caroline are curriculum development and digitalization.

Annika Ribordy
Annika Ribordy is project manager at the French speaking part of SVEB. After having worked several years in the commercial field and in the Logistic and Transport branch, she achieved 2016 a Master in Adult Education at the University of Geneva. She wrote her thesis on the topic of professional retraining, whether voluntary or not. She coordinates and works in different projects, nationally as well as on a European level, which aim to support different types of adult audiences such as elderly volunteers, migrants or young NEET.

INNOVADE LI is an SME based in Cyprus, with a team of professionals with several years of experience in strategic visioning, business development, social entrepreneurship, technology, innovation, and academic industries. Its goal is to assist clients to define and attain their Strategic Goals and achieve their operational objectives by providing an unparalleled level of expert support. INNOVADE LI works with organizations to help them streamline technological advancements and productivity tools into their processes to ensure that they improve performance, and increase their productivity and profitability.
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Andreas Georgiou
Andreas Georgiou works as Manager, Researcher and Trainer for INNOVADE LI. He has practical and strategic experience in different fields of education. Specifically, for the last four years, he has been working in more than 35 national and international projects as the project manager, trainer and researcher. Specifically, as a researcher, he is involved in programs focused on entrepreneurship, youth empowerment, blended and authentic learning and in the Quality and Evaluation Assurance of projects.

Jaitek Technology & Training
Jaitekis a Spanish company specialized in ICT training together with technical developments and implementations in educational institutions (of all educational levels) throughout Spain, both in presence and eLearning.The company provides consulting, implementsand validates eLearning environments. Here we deal with both the Instructional Design of courses and the customization of eLearning Platforms. We are experienced in all sorts of training: eLearning, blended learning and presence, giving customized solutions, technical support, and preparation of training resources (these could be SCORM compliant) for using in any kind of devices and collaboration in the development of teaching units for on-line training. At Jaitek we are aware that today's society demandscompanies and professionals who are constantly training and growing. Companies adapted to their time and adaptable to the many changes that are occurring and will occur in the future.
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Mariano Sanz Prieto
Mariano Sanz Prieto (CEO). Master in Telecomunications Engineer. Master in Information Society. Phd in Education. Have always work in projects relating technology with education and training. Have worked in several international and national project in these areas since 1989. Professor in 2 online masters with U. Carlos III about the production of elearning, and with U. Pontificia de Comillas about technologies and methodologies for teachers. He is also an Associated teacher at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Gema de Pablo González
PhD in Education. Graduate in Psychology. Master in Executive and Enterprise Coaching. Master in Information and Knowledge Society. Double postgrade in Gender Equality Technical Officer and Gender Equality Training Technician. Professor in 2 online masters with U. Carlos III about the production of elearning. She is also an Associate teacher at the Autonomous University of Madrid. President of “Fundación Siglo22”, focused on educational innovation and gender equality. Founding partner of Jaitek, Tecnología y Formación, enterprise focused on educational and training innovation.

Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology - (CARDET)
CARDET (Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology) an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, research and development organization based in Cyprus. It is one of the leading research and development centres in the Euro-Mediterranean region, with global expertise in project design and implementation, capacity building, and e-learning. CARDET is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as the Yale University, the University of Nicosia and the International Council of Educational Media. CARDET has completed numerous projects relating to the development of capacity building and planning in education and VET, youth support, adult learning, literacies, digital tools, eLearning, educational technology, and social integration of marginalized groups.
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Demos Michael
Demos Michael is project researcher at CARDET (Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology) while his expertise focuses on educational research. His interests concentrate in topics related to equity and inclusion of educational effectiveness, as well as non-cognitive processes that affect academic achievement. He believes that all individuals have a special capability on at least one domain where they can develop genius. Recently, he has been involved in the implementation of various projects in adult education and other research activities funded by European Funds.
The Rural Hub
The Rural Hub was set up as an association by a group of education, training and rural development professionals as a response to the impact ofthe economic crisis on small rural villages and towns in Ireland. Since it was first established in 2012, The Rural Hub has been providing a wide range of training and capacity development programmes to local residents and community groups. We specialisein the area of community development and have developed a number of local initiatives to support the social inclusion of disadvantaged rural youth, migrant communities and isolated older residents. We work with these groups, using creative approaches andthe testing of digital media resources to support greater social cohesion among local communities in County Cavan. We have a developed network of county-wide stakeholders who support our work on a thematic basis.
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Sarah Keegan
Sarah Keegan is Head of the Project Management Team in-house. She is fully qualified development worker who specialises in the areas of project management and curriculum development. She has worked on over 120 different EU projects funded under Erasmus+, AMIF, Right Equality and Citizenship and EU Lifelong Learning Programme, over the last 11 years. She has a master’s degree in International Development from University College Dublin and is currently undertaking a Doctorate in Social Science in Maynooth University, with a specialisation on the topic of social inclusion.

Mike Keegan
Mike Keegan is the Head of the Production Team for The Rural Hub. With a degree in Video and Film from Dundalk Institute of Technology, and a diploma in Professional Musicianship from BIMM Dublin, Mike has vast experience and expertise across a range of digital media channels and platforms. Within his role for the company, Mike specialises in designing engaging branding concepts and audio-visual production. He works primarily behind the scenes directing, designing and developing learning materials and digital media resources.

University of Aegean
The University of the Aegean (UAegean) was founded in 1984. It is a Network University of “academic ports of studies and research”, successfully established in 6 campuses spread across the Aegean Archipelago and offers a unique academic, natural, cultural and human environment to experience. UAegean has established strong partnerships and effective communication with several National, European and International Universities, Institutions, Organizations, Authorities and the Public. It is a strong social and economic factor and acts as Regional Innovator in the 2 Greek Regions of the Aegean Archipelago: The North Aegean and the South Aegean Region. The plethora of UAegean’s research projects are designed to improve the regional Innovation Capabilities for Human Capital Development, Entrepreneurship & Technology Transfer, Career Development, and Mobility of Researchers (brain-gain).
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Nancy Pyrini
Project Manager and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Nancy holds a Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy and a Master's Degree in Basic and Applied Cognitive Science. She has more than 25 years of experience in projects funded mainly by the European Commission. Nancy is the Founder and Director of the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education, held annually in Greece, know with the acronym ICICTE.

George Sarrigeorgiou
Principal Teacher/Researcher. George has served in Vocational High Schools since 2000. Since 2017 he serves in the Department of Educational Affairs of the Directory of Secondary Education of East Attica. George has a significant experience in projects funded by the European Commission mainly under the Erasmus+ and the HORIZON 2020 programmes.

Professor Emeritus Konstantinos Tsolakidis
Scientific Responsible of the Project. Kostas is electronics engineer, studied in the University of Dundee Scotland BSc (Honrs), MSc, PhD. He worked for ten years as software engineer and consultant in Greece before joining the University of the Aegean. He teaches Information and Communication Technology (ICT) related subjects. His special interests include distance education and training, virtual reality and ICT in remote areas as a development tool.

Stefanos Kapellas
Researcher. He is a graduate of the School of Business of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and he has completed the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE). He worked as a financial counselor from 1974 to 1987 in businesses both in Greece and abroad. Since 1987 he has been teaching in Institutes of Vocational Training and he is constantly trained in Economics and Business issues as well as Information and Communication Technology, Career Counseling, Deaf and Adult Education.

Marianthi Hondrobila
UAegean Staff. Marianthi is an employee of the Research Unit of the University of the Aegean and will participate in the development of the project deliverables.

University of Latvia
University of Latvia (LU) with 13,000 students, 13 faculties and more than 20 research institutes is one of the largest comprehensive research universities in the Baltic States with educational and research potential in humanities, social and natural sciences. The only higher education institution from Latvia ranked in the QS Top Universities ranking. UL is especially proud that its degree of internationalization has been recognized as high in several rankings, such as QS Top Universities, Multirank, Interfax ranking. UL pays great attention to the development of international collaboration, and supports different schemes of mobility
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Linda Daniela
Linda Daniela is a professor and senior researcher, Dean of Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, Chair of the Council for PhD Defence in Education in University of Latvia. She also serves as Expert in Education at the Council of Sciences of the Republic of Latvia.

Alise Oļesika
Alise Oļesika is a scientific assistant at the University of Latvia, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art. She wrote her master’s thesis about conceptualization of higher education student´s digital transversal competence. Her scientific interests are Augmented reality in education, Digital competence and its development in higher education.