The DigitALAD project has been presented by George Sarrigeorgiou from the University of the Aegean at the posters session of the online ICICTE 2020.
A teacher stands at the blackboard, chalk in hand, while students sit at their desks, shuffling papers and taking notes with their yellow #2 pencils...
Traditionally, basic adult education has had a particular concern with the skills of literacy and numeracy, seeing these as essential for entry to the world of work.
Recent figures on digital skills and labour market indicate the increasing mismatch between the digital skills needed on the side of job demand and the digital skills currently available on the supply side.
16. un 17. janvārī Nikosijā notika pirmā DigitALAD projekta starptautiskā tikšanās, kas noritēja siltā sadarbības gaisotnē.